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Rom Colt OS v1.4 Seabreeze MT6582

ColtOS Project is presented by a team of learnersand it is crafted from lineage Source with optimal but all the necessary customisations. We have cherry-picked the features from many other roms/projects and we are very thankful to them!! The OS is still in beta phase and growing like a vine. 
So, although there are no remarkable bugs experienced, if you find any, please let us know with a logcat.

Colt V1.4 General
* Android 7.1.2_r29 (NJH47F)
* Security update: 05 November 2017
* Adaptive Brightness
* Live Display
* Dark/ Light Theme
* Ambient Display
* Theme (PA Color Engine)
* Colorful Colt Wallpapers (Under wallpapers) Sound
* Increasing Ring Volume
* Custom Made Default Ringtone
* Charging Sounds (under Other sounds)

>>> Colt Center (Our Customizations App) Includes <<<
Status bar
* Carrier Label (with text size and custom color)
* Network Traffic
* Battery Customizations (Battery bar, Style, Percentage)
* Status Bar Icons
* Clock and Date Settings
* Full Screen Alarm
* Quick Pulldown
* Brightness Control
* Roaming Indicator
* Notification Count
* Double Tap to Sleep
Quick Settings
* Custom Header Image (with wide variety of packs to choose from)
* Weather Tile Customizations (OmniJaws)
* Vibrate on Touch
* QS Tiles View Customizations (Number of Small QS Tiles, Rows and Columns)
* Settings Shortcut
* Tile Edit Icon
* Advance QS Easy Toggle
* Multi-User Switch
* Expand Indicator
Blur Personalizations
* Statusbar Blur
* QS Blur
* Recent Apps Blur Buttons
* Power Button Settings (End call, Press Power Buttons Twice for Camera, Show arrow keys while typing, Long press for torch, Automatically turn torch off)
* Home Button Settings (Wake device, Answer call, Long press actions, Double tap actions)
* Volume Buttons (Wake device, Control playback, Control ringtone volume, Keyboard cursor control, Reorient when screen is rotated)
Recents Apps
* Immersive Recents
* Clear All FAB
* Clear All FAB Location
* Grid Style Recents
* Show Memory Bar
Navigation Bar
* Navbar On/Off
* Smart Bar/ Fling (in rpogress)
* Navbar Dimensions
* Pulse
Lock screen
* Media Cover Art Toggle
* Enable Power Menu on Lockscreen Toggle * Allow Accessing Quick Settings Toggle
* Statusbar Display Toggle
* Show Clock & Date Toggle
* Show Lockscreen alarm
* Display Weather on Lockscreen
* Double Tap Anywhere to Sleep
Power Menu
* Reboot
* Screenshot
* Airplane Mode
* User Switcher
* Sound Panel Animatios
* Sysytem Animations
* Toast Animation
* List View Animation
* List View Interpolator
* QS Tile Animation
* QS Tile Animation Duration
* QS Tile Animation Interpolator
* Fancy QS Animation
* Disable Animations
Colt Continues
* Dashboard Options (Column Settings, Suggestions, Conditions, Summaries)
* Gesture (Swipe to Screenshot, 4G Icon Instead of LTE)
About ColtOS
* Changelog
* Share ColtOS
* Github
* Google+
* ColtOS Devices and Maintainers

What's working:
√ Stock Camera & Video Recording
√ FM Radio ( Audio speaker, earphones & recorder )
√ Video Playback Gallery
√ Change Storage data apps in Setting
√ Mount Partition Storage
√ Default sdcard
√ Bluetooth, Hotspots, Wi-Fi
√ and more... You can exploring by Yourself

Bugs :
1080p 60fps Video Playback Gallery ( but no problem with MX Player )
VPN ( I didn't tried it yet )

Link Rom : 
Link Gapps ( arm/ 7.1/ ...optional ) :

樂How To Flash樂 :
1.Download the ROM and Gapps
2.Boot into recovery mode
3.Wipe System/Data/Dalvik Cache/Cache
4.Flash ROM and Gapps zip file
5.Reboot and enjoy 
Credits/ Thanks to :
1. Colt Developer
2. Keng Natansingse
3. Piyush Kulkarni
4. Manjunath Yashu
5. Minh Quoc
6. Prasetyo Adi
7. Google
8. XDA
9. Facebook