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Itel A11 Firmware Flash Files

Itel A11  official firmware requires Research Download Tool to flash

Download the firmware from the link below and follow flashing instructions after the download options.

 File Download Sise:512MB


File Name:
Size: 922 MB
Firmware LinkDownload

How to flash / unbrick an Itel A11

The firmware above is in .pac format (after you extract from zip, rar or 7z file) so this means you can flash with Research Download or Upgrade Download tool, Infinity Chinese Miracle II SPD Box, Miracle Box or any other Chinese box or tool which supports flashing in PAC format.
Before flashing, ensure that:
  1. The battery is charged to an extent and inserted into the phone
  2. The phone is powered off / switched off
  3. You have installed Spreadtrum SCI USB drivers
  4. You have downloaded the firmware above and copied the .pac file into a folder (ensure to unzip if the pac file is in a zip, rar or 7z file)
  5. You have a PC and USB Cable

Sumber https://jujumobi.blogspot.com/