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Rom Maligo For Lenovo A390

WHAT'S UP Android User in the world, now time to share MALIGO ROM v1.1
Built on 30 November 2013

  1. Griya Amanah
  2. Mundakir

Feature :

1. Base rom s320 deodex
2. Kitkat style
3. JB status kafe dengan Bridness dan Volume slider
4. With dolby equalizer
5. Root explorer installed
6. Custom style with  Maligo Setting :
  – Clock Position
  – Statusbar Transparency
  – QuickPanel Settings
  – Battry Style
7. AC!D sound mod
8. Adway for remove ads.
9. Custom owner photo
10.Black background setting,contact,gmail.
11.MMS  transparan to wallpaper
12.Lenovo Power installed, can remove if you want
13 With musicFX equalizer when play the music.
14.Maligo Wallpaper include
15.Fast and smooth
16.Launcher=Touchwiz and Xperia Launcher.
17.And more
Other fiture


1. Device manager service has stoped
2. Call Received Display
3. Restart when play the music and listening radio with headset

How to install  :

1. Download MALIGOROM V 1.1.zip
2. Extract and Put in sdcard/TWRP/BACKUPS/Lenovo_A390_MT6577*place here
4. Go to recovery mode
5. Clear chache and dalvik
6. Factory Reset
7. Restore
8. Select  MALIGOROM V 1.1
9. Reboot
10. Enjoy