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Causes And Solutions Children Find It Difficult To Sleep

-INFORMATION- Causes and Solutions Children find it difficult to sleepI, is your child having a hard time sleeping? Faced with conditions like this of course makes you upset mixed annoyance. How come when it's time the child should have gone to sleep but he keeps on play, sometimes even accompanied by fuss or cry all the time. Certain just the time you should use for activities or to rest but because the child hasn't slept yet you should accompany and watch him.

There are various kinds of reasons that make children difficult to sleep. Among the causes of insomnia in children is due to heredity. If you or your spouse has children who are difficult to sleep, your child may experience it. Factor the other is because the child's body condition is not fit, for example just being sick. Pain can make the body no comfortable so hard to sleep. And most important for you know is about the child's sleep patterns. You need to know that everyone has a different sleep pattern. There is when lying down can immediately fall asleep, there is something to be with simulations like fairy tales, games and so on can only be sleep, some can sleep for a long time, some do sleep for a while and wake up for a moment, etc. for knowing this then you should be able to observe your sleep patterns child and you can only deduce whether your child really is insomnia or indeed sleep patterns like that. but if indeed your child has trouble sleeping, then here will be explained how tips to overcome them.

Reasons Why Children Have Difficult Sleep

1. hildren are afraid to sleep apart from their parents

Often, young children experience anxiety when he sleeps separately with his parents, so sleep time is a thing scary to him. Young children are usually afraid to sleep in the dark and sleep alone, so he will be afraid when entering time sleep. If the child is afraid, it means he needs your help as a parents. Brain maturity and cognitive abilities of young children still can't handle emotional stress well. Maybe You think children who sleep separately from you are part from sleep pelatihan for him, but there is no evidence that indicates that sleeping separately from parents will make children's fear of sleep will be reduced. Even, Research shows that the fear of a child going to sleep can be cause children nightmares and emotional problems.

You can accompany your child to sleep, or decorate a room sleep with photos or toys that the child likes for the child happy. Also adjust the child's room temperature so that the child is not cold or heat. Make the child's bedroom as comfortable as possible for child. As the child gets older, the child's fear will sleep time will eventually disappear.

2. Nightmare

Children who have had nightmares will usually be afraid for sleep. This nightmare is usually caused because before sleeping child watching a scary movie or reading a storybook scary. It's a good idea to recommend a movie or story book which is not scary for a child. Encourage children to think about things fun things before going to sleep, like his dream place or activities that he really wants to do, or something else.

3. Incorrect sleep time

Many parents have told their children to sleep at the time which is too fast for children, before their bodies are ready to sleep. The body has not produced enough hormone melatonin to put him to sleep. The child is in bed too fast, will make him feel bored and this can trigger children to think of things that scare him.

4. Problems with circadian sleep rhythm

Every individual has their own circadian rhythm. Rhythm This circadian can regulate when a child's body needs sleep and when to wake up. If the child is difficult to get time sleep at night or difficult to stay awake during the day, maybe your child has a duduk masalah with his circadian rhythm.

To overcome this problem, you might be able to readjust the biological clock of children with their environment gradually. You can take the child out of the house in the afternoon days so that children are exposed to sunlight. Then when already into the night and it's time to sleep, you can turn off the child's room lights or other electronic emitting blue light. Because lights and electronic goods, like television, can suppress the production of melatonin (a hormone that makes children sleep), so that the child will be more difficult to sleep in a state bright room.

5. Smartphones and other electronic devices 

Research in America shows that time is watching television which is too much, both in the day and night, connected with higher sleep problems, like anxiety, delayed sleep time, and the child refuses to sleep. Other research also shows that children are watching television shows for adults, like afternoon news programs, can be decreases the child's sleep duration and increases sleep disorders in children. Television is not the only electronic device can cause sleep disorders in children. Video game, computers, and mobile phones, can also cause problems when sleep.

6. Stress and anxiety

If your child has difficulty falling asleep, this may be caused by stress and anxiety that he gets today. Stress can be increase stress hormones in the body, thus making children don't feel like sleeping. This stress and anxiety a child can get from his environment, like there is a duduk masalah with friends, thinking about about school exams, or about the activities he has done.

Before going to sleep, you should help your child to reduce the stress. You can invite children to discuss for made him tell what he was thinking, give advice for children, and invites them to do things a lot of fun.

7. Wrong nap time

The child may not be able to sleep at night because he has spend very long naps. Siesta it is good and beneficial for children, but if it takes too long and done at the wrong time, naps can interfere bedtime children night. Usually children who take time to sleep in the afternoon before the afternoon can experience problems while sleeping at night.8. Respiratory disorders during sleep # This condition is indeed rare. Impaired child breathing because the airways are blocked, usually by tonsils or glands enlarged goiter.

8. Children who experience respiratory distress while sleeping usually sleep snoring loudly, shortness of breath and sleep nervous

This disorder only occurs in 1 in 100 children, generally at age 3-7 years, when the tonsils and thyroid are usually in condition the biggest. # Treatment can be surgery, or dressing special nose masks that are commonly used to treat disorders breathing during sleep.

9. Sleep walking / sleepwalking

Some children sometimes get up and walk, talk, sit, when sleep. Of course they don't really wake up. Their eyes might open, but they are not really aware. This habit usually will eliminate as children grow up. It's best not to wake up sleeping children because it can make children even scared. Better guide back to his room. Lay out the bedroom in such a way that when your child experiences sleep walking there are no objects that might be harmful his safety. Lock the front door and fence properly because your child could just leave the house unknowingly.

Ways to Overcome Sleepless Children

1. Introduce children to the difference in morning, afternoon and night

In the morning, open the window of the room where your child sleeps. This as a way to introduce to children that morning is time to wake up. Then in the afternoon take the child to go back to sleep. Don't take too long while taking a nap, because children who sleep mostly during the day will make it difficult to sleep at night. and at night tell the child to go back to sleep. Also give an explanation that night is the time for sleep so that it has to stop all activities, including play activity.

2. Create activities in children before bedtime

There are many choices of activities that you can do before the child sleep. For example, one hour before your child sleeps, you can invite him to carry on a conversation. Or you can tell stories before children sleep. This can make a child more comfortable when sleeping.

3. Determine Children's Sleep Schedule

This is the next way you can do it. Determine the time when he has to sleep and when he has to wake up. Decide too his nap schedule. Run this schedule as well as possible so that the child become accustomed to his sleep schedule.

4. Pay Attention to Cleanliness in the Bed

Before your child sleeps, make sure that everything is clean. make sure all your hands, feet and teeth are cleaned. Clean the child's bed too much so as not to dust or sand that can disturb his comfort in sleep. You can also regulate room temperature. For example the weather is cold then you can give him a blanket.

5. Avoid Children in Noise

Like a disturbed adult with a noisy atmosphere, children are the same. for that, stay away from noise when children want sleep. You can decrease the TV, radio or chatter volume around the child's room. so the child will quickly fall asleep.

With us knowing the causes and solutions for how to deal with a child who has difficulty sleeping, now the mother can pay more attention to children's sleep, hopefully the information above can be useful.
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